Day 20 of 100days of code

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Day 20 of 100days of code

Hello and welcome to day 20 of my challenge!πŸ’ͺ

Add friend to the list

  • Created two state variables: friendsName and imgUrl. friendsName is initialized with an empty string (""), and imgUrl is initialized with a default URL (" "). I've also implemented two input elements, each linked to their respective state variables (friendsName and imgUrl) using the value attribute. Furthermore, the onChange event handler is employed to dynamically update the corresponding state variables as the user interacts with the input fields, ensuring real-time synchronization between the input content and the React component's state.πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Below, I've initialized the imgUrl state variable with the default URL "". At line 94 I implemented a handleSubmit function for handling form submissions.πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Form Submission Handling:

The handleSubmit function takes an event object (e) as a parameter and is triggered when the form is submitted. Utilizing e.preventDefault();, it prevents the default form submission behavior to enable custom logic and avoid page reload.

Form Input Validation:

The function checks if either friendsName or imgUrl is empty. If either is empty, the function returns early, preventing the execution of subsequent code

Generating a Unique ID:

A unique identifier is generated using the crypto.randomUUID() function, providing a unique ID for the new friend object

Creating a New Friend Object:

A new friend object is created with properties:

  • name: extracted from the friendsName state.

  • balance: initialized to 0.

  • image: constructed by appending the generated ID to the imgUrl to ensure a unique image URL.

  • id: the unique identifier generated earlier. Currently, this information is logged to the console.

Resetting Input Fields:

After successfully adding the friend, the imgUrl state is reset to a default avatar URL, and the friendsName state is set to an empty string, effectively clearing the input fields in the form.

The component returns a JSX structure representing a form with the className of "form-add-friend." The onSubmit event is set to trigger the handleSubmit function when the form is submitted.πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

The handleAddFriend function is tasked with adding a new friend to the friendList state. It utilizes the setFriendList function, employing the functional form of setState. This involves spreading the current state ([...friendList]) and appending the new friend (friend) to the end of the array. This approach ensures immutability by creating a fresh array containing both the existing friends and the new friend.πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

This handleAddFriend function handed down as a prop onAddFriend to child components, FormAddFriend component, where users create new friends. It gets triggered upon submitting the form to add a friend.

The highlighted line executes the onAddFriend function, passing the newFriend object as an argumentπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

A minor modification is needed on line 105πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Selecting a friend

Creating controlled Elements for the bill form

Splitting a bill